
How to Feeding Gold Fish for AROWANA? (Effectiveness of DIMILIN...1)

How to Feeding Live Gold Fish for AROWANA?

It's normally has parasite Gold Fish as you know.
Even no adult parasite at Gold Fish body, but their water including
the egg of parasite specially the Anchor worm....

It's my progress of feeding :

1. Dispose the water contain Gold Fish.

2. Washing the Gold Fish by Tap Water.

3. Washing the Gold Fish one by one before insert Storage Tank, avoid transfer
    egg of parasites.  (For the Egg, there are no affect medicine.)

4. Transfer the Gold Fish for Storage Tank.

5. Dosing "DEMILIN-25W or 25-WP"  wettable powder water base.
    (The 1g powder treat for 1,000L of water.)

This Medicine will Destruction Adult (hatched) Parasites within a day (few hour)
and very safety even using the Arowana.  

As part of parasites still attached to the fish few days, but it is already dead.
It's not affect for the egg of parasites, cause need dosing again after 3 to 4 days .
(wait for egg hatching.)

It is a drug that has been developed in order to kill the shellfish, 
crustaceans let's move from the treatment the aquarium.
Also, must remove "Activate Carbon" from filter system before dosing aquarium.

6. After a day, i can feed to AROWANA "Gold Fish".  (by washing tap water again)

Consider Life of "Anchor Worm":
Spawning after the eggs hatch in 2-4 days, and spent 3-4 days as larvae, 
after parasitic subsequently fish. 
Egg becomes adult in about 10 days after hatching.
It performs a mating adults Ancor worm , to perform the spawning 
about 15 times about one month.
The male after mating, will die without parasitic.

Consider to above life terms of the Anchor worm, correct dosing the "DIMILIN"
may "day 1" and "day 5" i think.

I will post again about "DIMILIN" other efficacy in next post again.

Good Night!!

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